
Rabu, 30 Januari 2013


Kesuksesan hadir dalam diri seseorang dari sebuah perjalanan panjang. Itulah mantra awal yang menggoda pada awal sebuah buku menarik, Success Built to Last (Esensi: 2009). Adalah sosok Nelson Mandela,

Pahlawan Afrika Selatan ini adalah seorang pengacara aktivis, yang dikirim ke sebuah kamp kematian, karena keyakinannnya bahwa politik apartheid akan berakhir kelak. Pada 1964, atas tuduhan sabotase dan persekongkolan jahat, Mandela dihukum seumur hidup dan menghuni penjara Robben Islan di Cape Town, Afrika Selatan.
Ide dan pemikirannya tetap tumbuh, sebab penjara tidak mampu mematikan cita-cita Mandela.

Setelah 27 tahun dibelenggu, tepatnya pada 1990, Mandela bebas. Ia bisa saja menjelma menjadi tukang jagal dengan dendam kesumat, tapi pemilik nama lengkap Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela ini, memilih jalan damai melalui revolusi tanpa kekerasan dan rekonsiliasi nasional. Inilah Efek Mandela, yaitu ketika Anda dapat menciptakan kesuksesan yang bertahan, bukan karena Anda sempurna atau beruntung, melainkan karena Anda memiliki keberanian untuk melakukan sesuatu yang bermakna bagi Anda.

Lihatlah, betapa tidak beruntungnya seorang Jimmy Carter, mantan presiden Amerika Serikat. Hasil pemilihan umum 1980 seperti palu godam bagi Carter. Dukungan suara untuknya merosot tajam dibanding rivalnya Ronald Reagan, si koboi Hollywood, yang memenangi pemilihan presiden tersebut. “Ketika meninggalkan Gedung Putih, saya merasa putus asa,” ujar Carter. Bagaimana tidak, semua hasil bisnisnya tandas demi ongkos politik yang tidak murah dan setelah empat tahun di Gedung Putih, ia justru mengumpulkan hutang satu juta dollar.

Carter pasti kecewa, tapi ia (seperti halnya Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, mantan wakil presiden AS era Clinton, yang belakangan aktif berkampanye melawan pemanasan global), memilih mengabdi untuk perdamaian. Carter pun mendapatkan nobel perdamaian 20 tahun setelah kekalahan menyakitkan itu. Setelah kekalahan yang menyakitkan itu, ia menemukan definisi baru mengenai kesuksesan: “Anda dapat mengukur kesuksesan di mata Tuhan: keadilan, kedamaian, kerendahan hati, pelayanan, ampunan, cinta kasih, dan cinta. Anda tidak harus kaya, kuat, terkenal, sehat, atau pintar untuk mendemonstrasikan karakteristik-karakteristik kehidupan tersebut.”

Keberhasilan Mandela dan Carter, bukan proses sehari semalam. Kesuksesan yang tidak sekadar dicapai melalui ajang selebriti sesaat macam The Apprentice, Indonesian Idol, dan program-program televisi serupa. Pendekatan jangka panjang-lah, sesuatu yang diyakini oleh Jerry Porras, Stewart Emery, dan Mark Thompson, ketiganya menulis buku Success Built to Last ini, yang mampu menginspirasi banyak orang bahwa kesuksesan adalah sebuah proses. Seperti Mandela dan Carter, sosok sukses yang berbuat banyak kesalahan dan menuai banyak kegagalan. Inilah mantra selanjutnya dari buku ini.

“Kesuksesan adalah tentang membangun hubungan jangka panjang dan pelayanan terhadap sesama,” ujar Azim Premji, pemimpin Wimpro di India. Selain itu, lihatlah para Pengukir Prestasi macam Steve Jobs (CEO Apple), betapa berbeda kesuksesan mereka dibandingkan rencana-rencana mereka. Mereka juga tidak memiliki peta perjalanan yang menyerupai jalur yang mereka ambil.
Perjalanan sukses, ibarat upaya keras menggapai bulan tetapi malah mencapai Mars.

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Narrative Text : Sleeping Beauty

Long time ago, in a faraway land. King Stevan and his queen wished for a child. Finally a daughter was born and they named her Aurora. To honor the baby princess the king help a great feast. He also invited his good friend king Hubert to the feast. King Hubert had brought his young son Philip. The kings agreed that someday Philip and Aurora would be married.

Among the guest were three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Marryweather. They wished to bless the princess with a give. Waving her wand, Flora said, “ My gift shall be the gift of beauty.” “ And mine.” Said Fauna, “ Shall be the gift of song.”, Marryweather turn was next. But before the Marryweather could speak the castle door flew opened. It was the evil witch named Maleficent. She was furious because she had not been to the feast. “ My gift for the child is, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!” , Than she disappeared.

But Marryweather still had gift to give, so she said, “ She will not die but she will fall into a deep sleep and when theirs true love’s kiss the spell shall break and the princess opened her eyes!”
King Stevan feared the witch curse so the good fairies hatched a plan. They would take Aurora to live with them, deep in the woods, saved from Maleficent. The king and queen agreed with heavy heart.

To guard their secret, the fairies changed Aurora’s named to Briar Rose. The years passed quietly, and Briar Rose grew into a beautiful young woman. At last the princess reached her sixteenth birthday, in a mossy glen she danced and sang with her friends, the birds and animals. She told them of her beautiful dream about meeting a tall. Handsome boy and falling in love.
A handsome boy came. When he heard Briar Rose singing he jumped for his horse and reached out to take her hand. Briar Rose was startled. “ I do not mean to frighten you, but I feel like we have met before.” Said the youngman. Briar Rose felt very happy. But she didn’t know that he was prince Phillip and Prince Phillip didn’t know that she was Princess Aurora.

Back at the cottage, Briar Rose told the fairies that she had falling in love. “ impossible! “ cried the fairies. Then, they told her that she was a royal princess. It was time to return home. Actually the witch Maleficent knew that Aurora was return home. Using her evil powers she lured Aurora to high tower in the tiny room spinning well suddenly appeared. “ Touch the spindle, touch it.''said the witch. The three good fairies rushed to the rescue, but they were too late. Aurora touched the sharp spindle and felt into deep sleep.

Meanwhile, the witch captured Phillip and chain him deep on her dungeon. But the good fairies had other plans for him. They melted the prince’s chain. And they armed him with the shield of virtue and the sword of truth. Than they sent him to the castle to awaken the princess.
When the witch saw Philip escaping she was changed into a Monstrous Dragon to stop him. Prince Phillip threw his sword to sword the witch. Then Maleficent was no more. Then Prince Phillip raced to the tower where his love lay sleeping. Gently he kissed her and Aurora eyes slowly opened. The kings and queens planed for the prince and princess wedding. And they lived happily. 

Lirik Lagu Bunga Citra Lestari - Cinta Sejati (OST. Habibie & Ainun)

Manakala hati menggeliat mengusik renungan
Mengulang kenangan saat cinta menemui cinta
Suara sang malam dan siang seakan berlagu
Dapat aku dengar rindumu memanggil namaku

Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu
Ku tunggu kau di keabadian
Aku tak pernah pergi, selalu ada di hatimu
Kau tak pernah jauh, selalu ada di dalam hatiku

Sukmaku berteriak, menegaskan ku cinta padamu
Terima kasih pada maha cinta menyatukan kita
Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu
Ku tunggu kau di keabadian
Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah

Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan
Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati
Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu

Ku tunggu kau di keabadian
Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah
Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan

Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati
Lembah yang berwarna
Membentuk melekuk memeluk kita
Dua jiwa yang melebur jadi satu
Dalam kesunyian cinta

Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah
Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan
Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Lirik Lagu Christina Aguilera - Hurt

Seems like it was yesterday
When I saw your face
You told me how proud you were,
But I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
Ooh, ooh

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside
But I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide
'Cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this, ooh

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, oh

If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you
Since you've been away
Ooh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself..
By hurting you

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Artis SMTown